May is for Mental Health Awareness


As a therapist, watching the conversation grow in support of education and information around mental health is encouraging to see! And yet, there is still so much that I hope to observe around increasing the dialogue when it comes to talking about mental health, de-stigmatizing and accepting mental health challenges, and broadening the ability for ALL humans to access mental health services.

Dialogue around mental health

While I think it is perceived that one day, one won’t have anxiety, depression, struggle with OCD compulsions or intrusive thoughts, etc., this black-and-white view of mental health is so discouraging to many. I want to share a gentle reminder that you are not flawed for struggling with mental health. You are a human. Additionally, we are asked to survive a world that is not always kind, and thus we often are reacting very understandably to unthinkable situations. Trauma. Stress. Poverty. Disconnection. Exhaustion.

You aren’t broken.

Sometimes just like physical health, we need a tune-up. We are sore one day- so we need extra rest. We are sick, so we need some antibiotics. We broke our leg, so maybe we need a cast. Not a splint. Mental health may look similar. If I notice certain thoughts or warning signs or behaviors creeping in (which they do because healing is not perfect despite what we may think) I can call my health provider and check-in. I can check in with a friend or someone in my support system. Perhaps I can look at and research different levels of care or modalities that may be more beneficial.

Accepting mental health challenges

Gas-lighting or minimizing the struggles or challenges that you may face daily can appear to be a normal reaction to a society that stigmatizes mental health challenges. However, identifying and radically providing self-compassion to yourself and engaging in what your mental health needs are is the first step in supporting yourself. Emotions are helpful messengers. What do you potentially need that your emotions are trying to direct you towards?

What is my sadness telling me? And what is the need that maybe I can tune into? We can often fear emotions as they feel very big and very scary. You are not alone and RevealED is here to support you in sifting through them.

Access to care

Giving yourself the gift of mental health treatment is priceless. However, I honor and hold space that mental health support is accompanied by roadblocks, one of which being financial, a very real challenge. We do not have the ability to take a day off or a week off to navigate challenging mental health times. Time away for grief.


I am so sorry that our society does not honor time away for these very real reasons. Access to mental health has so many layers that we run into systemically. Attached you will find some resources that can assist.

Some resources for those looking for affordable options include NAMI Mental Health Month | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Find Help and Treatment | SAMHSA National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics | NAFC ( Open Path Psychotherapy Collective Affordable Counseling | Affordable Therapy | Open Path Collective If you are currently employed, your company may offer mental health benefits through an employee assistance program that could provide discounted or free services. Mental health is a journey, not a destination. Can you meet yourself where you are at today- currently- in this very moment- within your mental health journey and recognize that you are allowed to be exactly where you are, no matter how long you have been in therapy, treatment, or recovery? This is hard work. Congratulations on taking care.

If you are curious (but equally terrified) of even thinking about connecting with a therapist, dietitian, or mental health provider, welcome! That feeling in the pit of your stomach is so understandable. We wouldn’t feel nervous if we didn’t care. Healing can present in so many different ways. You are allowed to find something that works for you, on your time. RevealED providers can be a gentle place to just explore what those steps could look like for you. We are here.

We would love to hear from you if you have other affordable resources. Comment below. RevealED is grateful of you!


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