Exploring Tik tok trends:                        “Girl Dinner” edition
Winter Groeschl Winter Groeschl

Exploring Tik tok trends: “Girl Dinner” edition

I hope y'all did sing the "girl dinner" jingle in your head as you read the title… Welcome! I'm a therapist here in Arizona that has the pleasure of supporting humans of all ages in their beautiful journey through life.

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Do we really need to eat all macronutrients?
Analeis Masters Analeis Masters

Do we really need to eat all macronutrients?

As we sit here on the cusp of memorial day weekend, I am reminded how difficult this season can be. A lot of people on social media, or even in your life might start talking about diets and getting “ready” for summer.

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Mom Bod, Amazing Strength: Celebrating the Resilience of Mothers on Mother's Day
Melodie Simmons Melodie Simmons

Mom Bod, Amazing Strength: Celebrating the Resilience of Mothers on Mother's Day

As a mother of three, including a set of twins, I know from lived experience the challenges of dealing with significant body changes during and after pregnancy. My body went through major, permanent changes. I have learned to accept these changes and to appreciate and celebrate my body for all that it has accomplished. As an eating disorder specialist, I understand the importance of body acceptance and self-compassion, and…

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May is for Mental Health Awareness
Winter Groeschl Winter Groeschl

May is for Mental Health Awareness


As a therapist, watching the conversation grow in support of education and information around mental health is encouraging to see! And yet, there is still so much that I hope to observe around increasing the dialogue when it comes to talking about mental health, de-stigmatizing and accepting mental health challenges, and broadening the ability for ALL humans to access mental health services.

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                    Book Club Alert!
Melodie Simmons Melodie Simmons

Book Club Alert!

"MeaningFULL: 23 Life-Changing Stories of Conquering Dieting, Weight, and Body Image Issues" by Alli Spotts-De Lazzer is an inspirational and empowering read that serves as a valuable resource for individuals grappling with disordered eating patterns and body image concerns.

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Winter Groeschl Winter Groeschl



We talk about it all the time, encouraging it within our lives as being a protective factor. And yet, when provided with challenges in our lives, our brains can turn to isolation as a means of survival.

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Out With The Old
Winter Groeschl Winter Groeschl

Out With The Old

Clothing choices can represent so much about us. What does your closet or dresser say about you?

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Intuitive Eating Summer Edition
Analeis Masters Analeis Masters

Intuitive Eating Summer Edition

Summer is right around the corner, and those fears in your brain might start to increase. This can be very scary, and the desire to change what we are eating, or exercise habits might be high. I am here to normalize this, this fear is real and scary! But we don’t have to change our food, or our exercise habits to “prepare for summer!”

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                   “Summer body”
Melodie Simmons Melodie Simmons

“Summer body”

Summer is a time when many people want to look and feel their best. Unfortunately, for some individuals, this desire can lead to the development of eating disorders.

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12 Steps - Eating Disorder Anonymous
Melodie Simmons Melodie Simmons

12 Steps - Eating Disorder Anonymous

The 12 steps, adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous, provide a framework for individuals to overcome their eating disorders by addressing underlying emotional, spiritual, and psychological issues.

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Book club alert!
Melodie Simmons Melodie Simmons

Book club alert!

Stephanie Covington's "Not All Black Girls Know How to Eat: A Story of Bulimia" is a truly inspiring memoir

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